Virtual Talk by SunMed: Gut Health For Kids

Building a healthy gut for your child begins at birth and it develops over the first few years of their life. A strong gut health brings great benefits for their growth and development, as well as improves their immunity. ⁣⁣

We are truly honoured to collaborate with Sunway Medical Centre and to have Ms Celeste and Dr Nazrul to give a talk on ‘Gut Health For Kids’. We believe our Eduver community has learned priceless lessons from them.

Topic: Gut Health For Kids⁣⁣

Sub-topics: ⁣

1. Healthy Eating For Kids: What Parents Need to Know⁣⁣
2. Tummy Ache: What Does It Mean? ⁣⁣


1. Ms Celeste Lau Wai Hong, Senior Manager, Dietetics⁣⁣, Sunway Medical Centre ⁣⁣

2. Dr Nazrul Neezam Nordin, Consultant Paediatrician and Peadiatric Gastroenterologist, Sunway Medical Centre⁣⁣

Date: 7th January 2023, Saturday⁣⁣

Time: 3pm⁣⁣

Platform: Zoom

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