Virtual Talk by SunMed: Gut Health For Kids
Building a healthy gut for your child begins at birth and it develops over the first few years of their life. A strong gut health brings great benefits for their growth and development, as well as improves their immunity.
We are truly honoured to collaborate with Sunway Medical Centre and to have Ms Celeste and Dr Nazrul to give a talk on ‘Gut Health For Kids’. We believe our Eduver community has learned priceless lessons from them.
Topic: Gut Health For Kids
1. Healthy Eating For Kids: What Parents Need to Know
2. Tummy Ache: What Does It Mean?
1. Ms Celeste Lau Wai Hong, Senior Manager, Dietetics, Sunway Medical Centre
2. Dr Nazrul Neezam Nordin, Consultant Paediatrician and Peadiatric Gastroenterologist, Sunway Medical CentreDate: 7th January 2023, Saturday
Time: 3pm
Platform: Zoom