CSR Event: Plastic - Good or Bad?

We marked our Merdeka Day by hosting a meaningful CSR event attended by 92 children and their parents. The primary objective was to raise awareness about plastic waste. To achieve this, we collaborated with WWF-Malaysia, who conducted an engaging and interactive session for the children. The session equipped them with a better understanding of plastics, how to manage them responsibly, and the consequences of not practicing proper plastic waste disposal.⁣ ⁣ Following the informative talk, we organized a delightful parenting workshop where we taught participants how to creatively repurpose used mineral water bottles into fans.⁣ ⁣

As a demonstration of our commitment to supporting WWF-Malaysia's conservation efforts, we made a generous donation of RM3000. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the parents who joined us in this endeavor. We also want to express our sincere appreciation to our sponsors: Atria Shopping Gallery, Babyland Ss2 Malaysia, Oregan Malaysia, Tiger Family Malaysia, and Penyu. They contributed lucky draw prizes, free gifts for donors as well as the event space. ⁣

Lastly, thanks to everyone who participated and look forward to seeing you at our next event! Children, remember our 5 Superhero rules: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle!⁣ ⁣


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