Education4EveryChild Book Donation Social Campaign
Every child has the right to learn. Together with Clever Education and Polaris Preschool, we launched a social campaign #Education4EveryChild where 1 book will be donated to the appointed orphanage homes for each "share" of this post on Facebook feed or group.
In October 2022, we delivered a total of 3000 books to the children at:
- Guardian Angels Home
- House of Love
- Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Selangor
- 莲花生慈爱之家
- Rumah K.I.D.S, Klang
- House of Joy
- Rumah K.I.D.S, Subang
We hope that these educational materials may spark their imagination as well as provide topics for discussion and learning among them.